Friday 24 February 2012

Radio script

{alarm going off}
[music playing on radio]

“Good morning you’re listening to Radio Sussex with me Geoff Higgins and with me Mary Mann. Its 7:15am on Saturday morning and your weekend start here, first a quick weather and traffic report from Julia smith.”

“Unfortunately it’s going be a cloudy day in the south with patches of rain in the south east. The traffic is mostly quiet today but with congestion into the city and on the A23”.

“In other news, yet another report has come in today of a missing person in the West Sussex area. The person in question is believed to be Alice Genie, a 23 year old female from Ardingly, last seen Wednesday morning traveling with a group of colleagues, around 8am going to work at HNS offices in Crawley town. Her parents started to get suspicious when she never arrived home that evening and hadn’t contacted them all day like usual”.

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