Tuesday 21 February 2012

Initial ideas and brain storming

  • Somebody being hostage.
  • Don’t see face.
  • On the phone.
  • Flashback.
  • Telling police what happened.
  • In station telling what happened.
  • Low key lighting.
  • Woman in dark space, being held hostage.
  • She has a flash back, of telling the police that she thinks someone is following her.
  • Shots back to her in the room (dark space).
  • The criminal goes into the room as she starts panicking. 
  • Wakes up and it's a dream.
  • POV.
  • Restricted narration.
  • Torso down of the kidnapper (don't see face, low angle).
  • Extreme close up (face).
  • Cross cutting between woman getting dressed and a man doing a bad deed.

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