What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
- If i where to try and distribute my thriller opening i would go to a distributor like Artisen Entertainment purely because of there success with the Blair Witch Project. With their help to create hype online on websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and especially Youtube the movie could become 'Viral' getting millions of people excited for the release of the film in cinema. Such as the huge success of Cronicle when then released a short Youtube video, not explaining much about what the film.
(Link to a trailer of Cronicle, similar to the original video)
- At the end of the video they put a link to Facebook which caused more hype and allowed the audience to go check out what this video was all about, which they did because the trailer as so exciting.
A simple Distribution plan for this movie will involve:
Creating Hype -
- Using social networks and online media to create hype in the online community, by releasing a teaser trailer onto Youtube and creating a Facebook and Twitter profile for the film and releasing teasers about the film such as pictures of characters.
- Advertising on buses, in cities, as the advertising will be more profitable as more people will see them and advertising on bus stops with big exciting posters to catch peoples eyes, as the poster for a film is critical as it will be displayed everywhere.
- Word of mouth by having free screening, advertising it on the back of magazines, can create huge hype as ten people can advertise a movie to thousands by word of mouth.
- Advertising on the TV/Radio/Cinemas/Newspapers, having the 'Star' actors going onto chat shows to plug the new movie. Creating radio adverts with the audio from the trailer as people will recognize it and want to learn more about it. Advertising in the cinema before the release would be extremely expensive and not a viable option for this movie as it would not weigh up to the profit.
Release of the Film -
- Time of release for the film is critical, because my thriller is a very small low-budget film its crucial to have as little competition possible in order to reaches its potential in the box-office.
- Releasing the movie on a Friday would properly be the best day to release the film as their will be little competition and releasing on a work day and not a school holiday will appeal to the target audience of 18-35 as they would not be put off by children in the cinema.
- Releasing the film in all cinemas would be to expensive and would not to viable. So releasing the film in selected cinemas would be more viable and less expensive and overall a better choice. Because this film is a very low budget film it will take a lot of persuading to get in into cinemas.
After release -
- After the release of the film at the box-office the film will be released onto DVD and Blu-ray, and also onto online services such as Lovefilm and Netflix because these online services reach a huge amount of people and usually post B and C rated films which would be perfect for my thriller.
- Lastly the film will be shown on TV channels like Film4 to keep the film alive for as long as possible.
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