Friday, 20 April 2012

Alicia - question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

·         When ready for the release of my film, I would approach distributors such as 'Pathe Distribution' since I am aware of their successes in the film industry. British films such as ‘Adulthood’ have been under Pathé’s distribution as well as ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ which won 8 Oscars.

·         However, in order to succeed further once approaching a distributor, I would then consider the next steps in achieving a successful release of my film. With the help and advice from Pathé (or similar distributors) I would then begin the search for my fan base in order to prepare for the final release. To achieve this I would use sources such as the internet including social networking sites, in order to promote the release of my film and get a ready audience.

Online promotion

  • Social Media (Facebook fan pages, Groups and Twitter)
  • Video marketing (Youtube, Vimeo)
  • E-mail marketing
  • Advertising (Google, Facebook)
  • Integrated partnerships
  • Social Plugins
  • Forum marketing
All these sources are possibilities in terms of promoting online, and is also a sensible starter to the success of my film because nowadays this is where the majority spend their time and would therefore follow the release.

Release of ‘Payday’

·         When releasing something, whether it’s a film, video game, song etc. it is essential to keep an eye out for competition in order to make sure you’re release isn’t at the same time as something that could steal your audience.
·         As ‘Payday’ isn’t a high-budget film, it can easily lose its targeted audience if something bigger and higher-budget was released at the same time. Therefore, planning in advance is crucial in order to make sure that the research for possible competition was done way before the release date.
·          This would refer to the release of ‘Avatar’ and ‘District 9’ both with similar themes are heavy use of CGI. Avatar won the war of largest audience after they were both released together. However, the anticipation for the release of Avatar was a lot larger than District 9 where Avatar clearly planned their techniques of creating ‘hype’ before the release. This is why it is essential to create hype by using the above promotion techniques in order to grab the audience’s attention before it’s too late.
·         After release is a totally different ball game where films then slowly come out on DVD and TV. However, when my film has made it onto disc, I would then approach companies such as ‘Netflix’ and ‘Lovefilm’ to help sell my film further. These would allow ‘customer’s’ and audience members to enjoy the film over and over again but also by keeping it in profit.

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